Part 2 About Type 2
Part 2 About Type 2 In our last blog we shared some Type 2 Diabetes stats and figures from a couple of sources. Remember how
Part 2 About Type 2 In our last blog we shared some Type 2 Diabetes stats and figures from a couple of sources. Remember how
If Not YOU, then WHO? Are You A “Wellness Provider”? If So, How Are YOU Directing Your Patients Struggling with Type 2 Diabetes? Many providers
The Commonly UN-Addressed Contributor Of Spinal Degeneration? The spinal degeneration model is a key teaching tool in most Chiropractic clinics. In fact, you will see
Limiting Mindset #5: “I’ve Tried That Once Before.” In this blog piece will move forward with our series about common ways doctors and wellness professionals
Limiting Mindset #4: “My Style of Practice.” In this short blog, we are proceeding with our series touching on a number of ways doctors and
Limiting Mindset #3: “My Town” This week we are moving forward with our short blog series touching on a number of ways doctors and other
Limiting Mindset #2: “It’s Not That Bad…YET” In our last blog piece, we covered Limiting Mindset #1 which was “Tolerations”. We all know that when
Limiting Mind Set #1: Toleration In this week’s piece, we kick off a short blog series touching on a number of ways doctors and other