Struggling with YOUR own weight as a Doctor or Wellness Provider?

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Struggling with YOUR own weight as a Doctor or Wellness Provider?

Study shows serious business challenges may be related.

Actor Michael J. Fox is given credit for the quote in the image above. On one hand, we totally understand and AGREE that peoples’ opinions should not affect or influence who you are or how you think about yourself. It’s none of your business. On the other hand, patients’ perceptions have indeed been shown to AFFECT many practices and business results.

We have shared before about the fact that numerous doctors and other wellness providers share with us that the main reason they do not have a weight loss program in their clinic is because they are overweight or obese themselves. This is not difficult to understand. The stigma and negative perceptions of the public in general regarding weight issues are well documented. It is unfortunate, but real.

In our blogs, we aim to stay focused on business factors related to wellness practices – specifically those opportunities, systems and procedures related to clinical weight loss. This particular issue is no different. We want to consider how your own weight and wellness may be affecting your business. In other words, whether you have a weight loss PROGRAM or not, should the idea of weight loss be on your radar – from a business standpoint?

The International Journal of Obesity published a study back in March 2013 entitled “The effect of physicians’ body weight on patient attitudes: implications for physician selection, trust and adherence to medical advice”. (See source below). Besides the fact that we, at Activate DNA Weight Loss, are advocates of ALL clinics having an effective and science-based weight management program (especially those claiming to deliver “wellness” or natural “health”) the study’s title and findings caught our eye for a few simple reasons.

First, it is obvious that, as doctors and wellness providers, we are continually bombarded with ads, articles, mailers, seminars, on-line programs, E-books, etc. etc. etc. that promote solutions to the exact business challenges this study dove into such as:

  • Acquiring new patients.
  • Building good relationships with them.
  • Keeping them in your clinic.

Could it be that, like so many other things in life and business, the answer to those common challenges lies within? In other words, rather than needing to seek out that “next big thing” … the new magic formula … or the never before seen “secret strategy”, could it be that there is something simpler, more real and more congruent?

Well, let’s check out what this study demonstrated. Note: you may or may not be surprised by (or like) the results of the study we are referencing here. We are certainly not bringing it to light in a judgmental way, but the findings are worth paying attention to from a practice management and BUSINESS aspect. Quoting the article first as it relates to the study’s RESULTS:

“Respondents reported more mistrust of physicians who are overweight or obese, were less inclined to follow their medical advice, and were more likely to change providers if the physician was perceived to be overweight or obese, compared to normal-weight physicians who elicited significantly more favorable reactions. These weight biases remained present regardless of participants’ own body weight…”

Then, let’s consider the study’s CONCLUSIONS:

“This study suggests that providers perceived to be overweight or obese may be vulnerable to biased attitudes from patients, and that providers’ excess weight may negatively affect patients’ perceptions of their credibility, level of trust and inclination to follow medical advice”.

Our message in this brief writing is simple:

If you are doctor or wellness provider who struggles with your own weight, please consider connecting with us for help!

Several of our current providers have done our program first – for themselves! Besides improving their weight and wellness, it does wonders for their confidence …. and their business! They become their best advertisement … a walking billboard of sorts. They exhibit a stronger sense of congruency. They represent what they teach and preach better. They walk their talk. This all attracts people to them and their clinic. People follow them and follow what they say. Through all of this they experience the truth in the statement:

“People buy the MESSENGER before they buy the MESSAGE”.

So, beyond the idea of serving OTHERS through using The Activate DNA Weight Loss program in your clinic, maybe it’s time you simply consider YOU. The better you are the better your practice and business will be! Want to connect about how Activate DNA Weight Loss may help you, your patients and/or the business of your clinic? Click or Call today!

Activate DNA Weight Loss is THE way to lose weight … and more!

Attract more patients. Lead by example. Build more trust. Retain patients.

Source: International Journal of Obesity; Volume37, pages1415–1421 (2013); The effect of physicians’ body weight on patient attitudes: implications for physician selection, trust and adherence to medical advice. R M Puhl, J A Gold, J Luedicke, J A DePierre. Original Article | Published: 19 March 2013. Link:
