It’s pretty obvious that as business owners consider new products and/or services they may want to possibly add to their business that they should consider things like the marketability, the demand or the availability of potential customers for that product or service.

As a business owner or a provider of services in the health and wellness industry, it is no different. So, as we share with inquiring doctors about the business of weight loss and help them consider the possibility of expanding their practice (and profit) with it, we feel it makes sense to consider those same things.

In this brief piece we want to share some resources with you that will allow you to clearly see the demand and customer availability in ANY community for an effective and science based weight loss program.

The easiest thing to do is go right to the source for our county’s health related stats: The Center for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC). Updated August 13, 2018 it says this:

The prevalence of obesity was 39.8% and affected about 93.3 million of US adults in 2015~2016. [Read CDC National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) data brief PDF-603KB].

When you hit that link here’s what you will see:

Shown another way, state by state, it would look like this:

What does the FUTURE of the weight loss industry look like?
In other words, what about “SUSTAINABILITY”?

Well, think about this: More than 40 percent of 16 to 19-year-olds are obese. That’s what a team from Duke University, Wake Forest University and elsewhere researched and determined to be the case. But worse, 26 percent of 2 to 5-year-olds were overweight and more than 15 percent were obese!

Check out that information yourself in the article found here:

That is what Activate DNA Weight Loss is all about!

A great WIN-WIN. We help the clients successfully lose weight and get a LIFELONG plan to manage it … and at the same time we provide doctors and wellness clinics an avenue to expand their services … and thus their income.

The numbers speak for themselves! If the numbers are speaking to you, just click or call tom learn more. Let’s see how the Activate DNA Weight Loss model may fit into YOUR practice!
