What Weight Loss is REALLY About!

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What Weight Loss is REALLY About!

It’s NO secret to anyone that America is getting fatter…and it’s destroying our well-being.

We try hard to emphasize that losing weight and reaching and maintaining a healthy weight is about more than how we LOOK … it’s bigger than just “getting into your skinny Jeans”.

SCIENCE makes it crystal clear that we have an EPIDEMIC of ill-health on our hands, and it has TONS to do with our diet, our lifestyle … and our weight! Check this graph out …


Note that statement in the middle:

Over 50% of all deaths are from OBESITY RELATED chronic diseases.

Yep! Diabetes, stroke, heart disease and cancer … ALL THOSE BIG SCAREY CONDITIONS WE FEAR ARE RELATED TO FAT!

According to the CDC, 80% of healthcare costs are due to chronic diseases like these.

And, did you notice that BIG RED SLICE OF THE PIE GRAPH? CANCER! Almost everyone understands the link between diabetes, heart disease and obesity, but MOST don’t know the facts about cancer and fat.

Cancer is often thought to be an un-lucky break. If we are not tuned into some clear causative factors, it may seem like a “puzzle” as to WHY it happens to some and not others. Yet, the American Cancer Society itself stresses that a significant number of cancer cases are also related to obesity…

The “Americanized” lifestyle and obesity are THE leading causes of these very concerning conditions. And yet … despite SCIENCE pointing these things out the trends continue to go the wrong way.

72 % of adults (3 of 4) are now overweight AND the epidemic is starting VERY young. 40% of kids in America are overweight. Acceptance of our bodies is ONE thing, but the trend of continuing to lessen the quality of our lives and reduce the number of years we live must be changed.

THIS is why we do what we do. THIS is what it’s all about!

Maybe you are like so many other people out there … confused, overwhelmed and downright frustrated when it comes to conquering the fat loss fued. The struggle is real. But, there are SCIENCE related secrets that can help you. In the coming weeks we will be sharing 7 SCIENCE BASED SECRETS that simplify fat loss.

Let’s pay attention to SCIENCE. Let’s use it. And, let’s make progress in YOUR weight loss and healthy weight management efforts. Your life depends on it … Literally!

To learn more about the system, our clinic and our team, simply click or call today!