Do You Really Believe This?

Do You Really Believe This? Many Chiropractors have that ever-popular poster with the Hippocrates quote saying “Look well to the spine for the cause of Disease”. I did. Chances are…

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Government Efforts … and Chubby Children

Government Efforts … and Chubby Children. What kind of LEGACY is America leaving for its children health-wise? How has 15 years of GOVERNMENT focused efforts impacted obesity rates? And what…

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Event + Response = Outcome

Hello! Today we have a very simple, straight forward message for those of you who may be waffling a bit … or wondering if adding services, expanding your business and…

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Direction … Not Perfection

“Direction … Not Perfection” In the business of weight loss (as with any other health care or service business) effective communication is essential! Here is a simple concept talking point…

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Just give me the Highlights

We frequently get a straight forward request like this … “Just give me the Highlights” Well, here ya go! In this short piece we decided to simply share a few…

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Moving Beyond Ye Ol’ Bathroom Scale

Moving Beyond Ye Ol’ Bathroom Scale WHY we use the technology we do! The doctors who make the Activate Metabolic Weight Loss Program available to their patients and community use…

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Part 2 About Type 2

Part 2 About In our last blog we shared some Type 2 Diabetes stats and figures from an article from Remember how these numbers and facts seem SO crazy…

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What Do YOU Do With Type 2?

What Do YOU Do With Type 2? Just like so many out there in our society, a very high percent of YOUR patients are struggling with Type 2 diabetes. Maybe…

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What the heck is this program all about? (4/4)

What the heck is this program all about? (Part 4 of 4) The 4 Key “S” Pieces of the Activate Metabolic Puzzle The 4th and final KEY S to share…

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What the heck is this program all about? (3/4)

What the heck is this program all about? (Part 3 of 4) The 4 Key “S” Pieces of the Activate Metabolic Puzzle In this brief piece, we will touch on…

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